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Fiche 19 - Anglais

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Fiche 19 - Anglais

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Search in the computer
Search on the Aciah-Linux website
Searching for a website
Search in a web page
Search for links on a website
Search in a Libre Office document
Search in a Mousepad document
Search in a html file
Search in a pdf file
Search in the mailbox
Search in the alphabetical list of the site

Search in the computer

1 - Launch the Whisker menu by doing : SHIFT + WIN + F1. You will hear : menu-Whisker.
2 - Type the word : search.
3 - Validate with Enter, you arrive at the input zone.
4 - Type the word you are looking for and validate with Enter
5 - Type the word : table. You hear : table with x lines and four columns.

Search on the Aciah-Linux website

To search on the Aciah-Linux website, when it is launched, and Orca is active, just do :

Insert + A to check that you are in navigation mode.
and hit the E key. You will then find yourself in the input area of the search engine.
Do again Insert + A to come in focus mode, and write the word you are looking for. Validate with Enter .
When the results page is displayed, you can browse by hitting the H key or the K key.

Searching for a website

When Firefox is launched, automatic line feed
Do : CTRL + KR Automatic line feed
and you are in the search engine input box.

Search in a web page

When a web page is opened, Automatic line feed
1 - make CTRL + F and type the word searched.
2 - hit the Enter key and you will arrive at the first word found.
3 - We find the next word with the F3 key and the previous word with Shift + F3.

Search for links on a website

When Firefox is launched, and a web page is opened, and Orca is launched, Automatic line feed
do : SHIFT + ALT + K and you will arrive on a list of links that you can browse with Arrow-down or Arrow-up.

Search in a Libre Office document

When the document is open : Automatic line feed
1 - press CTRL + F and type the word you are looking for.
2 - Hit the Enter key and you will arrive at the first word found.
3 - We find the next word with F3 and the previous word with Shift + F3.

Search in a Mousepad document

When the document is open : Automatic line feed
1 - Do CTRL + F and type the word you are looking for.
2 - Hit the Enter key and you will reach the first word found.
3 - We find the next word with F3 and the previous word with SHIFT + F3.

Search in a html file

When the document is opened :Automatic line feed
1 - do F3 and type the word you are looking for.automatic line feed
2 - you get to the first word found.automatic line feed
3 - Find the next word with F3.automatic line feed
4 - you find the previous word with SHIFT + F3 .

Search in a pdf file

This search can be done only if it is a pdf-text document and not a pdf-image. Automatic line return
Then there are two cases to consider, depending on whether the pdf document is opened with the Atril viewer or with the Evince viewer.

If the pdf-text document is opened with Atril :
do CTRL + F to go to the search input field.
write the word you are looking for, validate with Enter.
find the next occurrence with CTRL + G.
find the previous occurrence withMAJ + CTRL + G.

If the pdf-text document is opened with Evince :
do CTRL + F to go to the search input zone.
write the word you are looking for, validate with Enter.
find the next occurrence with CTRL + Down arrow.
the previous occurrence is found with CTRL + Arrow Up.

Search in the mailbox

When the mail program is open : Manual line return
 Do CTRL + K for a global search : sender, recipient, message. Manual line return
 Press CTRL + F to search when a message is open. Manual line return
 Press CTRL + G to search for the next occurrence. Manual line feed
 Press CTRL + SHIFT + F to search, in a more targeted way, in the mail.

Search in the alphabetical list of the site

When the alphabetical index is open : Automatic line feed
For people who can use a mouse, here is a procedure : Automatic line feed
To find a word in this list, first do : CTRL+ F. Write the word you are looking for. Validate withEnterAuto line feed
To find the next occurrence, press F3 . Automatic line feed
To find the previous occurrence, press : Shift + F3.automatic line feed
Then click on the link corresponding to the search. And do ALT + Left Arrow to go back if necessary.

For people navigating only with the keyboard, here is a procedure : Automatic line feed
1 - Press CTRL + F and enter the word you are looking for. Do not validate. Automatic line feed
2 - Press F3 repeatedly until you hear the link corresponding to what you are looking for.
2 - When you have found the link, press Esc to exit the search mode.
3 - Validate with Enter. Then the link is opened.
4 - You can go back with ALT + Left Arrow.
6 - We hit thenF3 repeatedly to find the link which interests us. And we open this link with Enter.

6 - Navigate in the list with Arrow-Down or Arrow-Up.
7 - Validate with Enter when you have found what you are looking for.

Note : In the input field, you can put :
- either a word : status, letter, report, etc.
- or a wildcard, with a dot in front, for example
.jpg if you are looking for all images in jpg
.png if you are looking for all images in png
.pps if you are looking for a slideshow in pps etc.

You can narrow down the search further by pressing the F9 key.

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Notes et consignes

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Attention, certains logiciels et certains raccourcis-clavier sont spécifiques : ils ne fonctionnent qu'avec Aciah-Linux. ils sont destinés à simplifier le fonctionnement global mais n'empêchent pas le fonctionnement classique.

- Télécharger le fichier img et consulter le mode d'emploi

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Article publié le : 31 octobre 2021
Article vu : 44 fois
Mieux voir
Faites : CTRL + Plus
Le Lecteur d'écran
Lancer ou arrêter Orca en faisant : CTRL + MAJ + O .
Ne pas faire cela à répétition.
Orca muet, tout en restant actif :
Insert + S.
Rétablir avec Insert + S .
Lecture d’un texte quand Orca est actif :
- déverrouiller le pavé numérique et frapper la touche PLUS.
- en frappant la flèche-droite on peut lire lettre à lettre.
- avec CTRL + flèche-droite on peut lire mot à mot.
- en frappant la touche CTRL,
on arrête/redémarre la lecture.
Diminuer la vitesse : CTRL + Insert + 3 du pavé numérique désactivé.
Réglage de la voix : avec Insert + Espace (et puis l’onglet : voix), on peut ainsi modifier la vitesse (débit).
Orca bloqué ? Faites : CTRL + MAJ + W .
Navigation structurée
Naviguer sur internet, quand le lecteur d’écran est lancé :
Frapper la touche H pour aller de titre en titre, (on remonte avec MAJ + H) .
ou la touche 1 du pavé principal pour les titres de niveau 1 ou la touche 2 du pavé principal pour les titres de niveau 2 . etc .
Frapper la touche K pour aller de lien en lien (on remonte avec MAJ + K),
Frapper la touche E pour trouver les zones de saisie,
pour avoir le focus faire : Insert + A .
Frapper la touche M pour aller de marque en marque (de repère),
Frapper la touche P pour aller de paragraphe en paragraphe,
Frapper la touche B pour aller de bouton en bouton.
Pour lire
Quand on a trouvé un titre intéressant, on lit ce qu’il y a en dessous en frappant la touche PLUS du pavé numérique désactivé.
Quand on a trouvé un lien intéressant, on l’ouvre avec Entrée ou quelquefois avec la touche ‘Barre oblique’ du pavé numérique désactivé.
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