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Fiches 8-9 - Anglais

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Fiches 8-9 - Anglais

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The zoom magnifying glass
Thunar : customized actions
Thunar : create a folder - delete a folder or file
Thunar - rename folder or file
Thunar - Basket


Virtual Magnifying Glass is an easy-to-use and fully customizable virtual magnifier. The software is available for free on Linux, MacOS and Windows operating systems. Once launched, the magnifying glass can be moved simply with your mouse.

Installation :

  • the package is available in the Linux-Mint repositories.
  • launch a terminal with Win + T,
  • write : sudo apt install vmg
  • let the installation proceed.
  • The application is discreetly placed in your taskbar and remains permanently accessible : a simple right click on its icon allows you to modify the configurations of the magnifying glass :
  • the language : click on Translations to have English
  • width, height,
  • enlargement, up to 16 times.
  • a border or not.
  • the inversion of the colors, or not.

When the magnifying glass is active :

  • by pressing the B key, the border appears
  • by holding down the CTRL key and rolling the mouse wheel, you can change the magnification,
  • by pressing the right arrow key, you can enlarge the field of the magnifying glass,
  • the same with the down arrow.
    With the directional arrows you can read the text under the magnifying glass,
  • with the Q key you can exit the magnifier.


You can create a shortcut for the magnifying glass, for example : CTRL + Alt + E or : CTRL + Space

Thunar : custom actions

Thunar is a file manager, unfortunately not well vocalized. It has a very interesting tool : custom actions, obtained by right-clicking on a file.

 if it is a sound file, you can convert it into mp3 or ogg.
 if it is an image file, you can :
convert it to jpg, png or gif,
resize it,
rotate the image to the right or left,
The original file is kept,
The modified file is saved next to the first one.

 For those who want to use the keyboard, here is the method :
 launch Thunar with : Win + é
 select the desired file,
 press MENU or SHIFT + F10,
 with Arrow-down, go down to : modify the image,
 press the ENTER key,
 go down with Arrow-Down until you hear, for example : convert to png
and check this line with Spacebar
 validate with ALT + V ,

Thunar : create - delete

Create a sub-folder in an existing folder :

1 - Launch Thunar by doing : WIN + é .
2 - With Down Arrow, go down to the existing folder and validate with Enter.
3 - Click on the word : File or do : ALT + F and validate with Enter.
4 - With Down Arrow, go down to the line : creation of a folder.
5 - Validate with Enter.
6 - You are asked for the name of the new folder.
Enter the name of the new folder and validate with Enter.
That’s it, the sub-folder is created.

Delete a folder or a file :

1 - Launch Thunar by doing : WIN + é .
2 - With Down Arrow, go down to the folder or the file to delete.
3 - Hit the DELETE key on the keyboard.
4 - Then the deleted item is moved to the Trash.

5 - If you made a mistake, you can go to the Trash, right-click (or SHIFT + F10) on the item deleted by mistake, and choose : Restore.

Thunar - rename a folder or a file

1- Press : WIN + é to launch Thunar.
2 - Go to the folder or file you want to rename. Do not validate !
3 - Right-click or SHIFT + F10 on this folder or on this file
then a list of tasks is displayed.
4 - Go down with Down Arrow until you hear : Rename.
5 - Validate with Enter. A window opens.
Enter the new name.
6 - Tab to choose Cancel or Rename.
7 - The file is renamed, it is placed among the other files in alphabetical order.

CAUTION : avoid accented letters
Avoid spaces, replace them with a dash 6 or 8.

You can also rename a folder or a file by pressing the F2 key

Thunar - Trash - trash can

A - Empty the recycle garbage can.

1 - Launch Thunar with : WIN + é
then do : ALT + L to reach the menu : Go.
2 - With Down Arrow go to : Trash. Validate with Enter.
3 - With SHIFT + F10, a list of tasks is displayed.
4 - With Down Arrow go to : Empty Trash. Validate with Enter.
5 - A warning is displayed. Scroll down until you hear : Cancel or Empty Trash.
6 - Validate with Enter.

B - Restore or delete an item from the Recycle Bin

1 - Launch Thunar with : WIN + é then do : ALT + L to reach the menu : Go.
2 - With Down Arrow go to : Trash. Validate with Enter.
3 - With Down Arrow go down on the name of a folder or a file. Do not validate !
4 - With SHIFT + F10, a list of tasks is displayed.
5 - With Down Arrow go down until you hear : Delete or Restore.
If you delete, it is definitive
If you restore, the document returns to its original place
6 - Validate with Enter.

Thunar : custom actions

Thunar is a file manager, unfortunately not well vocalized. It has a very interesting tool : custom actions, obtained by right-clicking on a file.

For example, if the imagemodify script is installed in the /usr/bin folder with the necessary permissions

if we make a contextual menu on an image file, we can : convert it into jpg, png or gif,
resize it,
rotate the image to the right or left,
The initial file is kept,
The modified file is saved next to the first one.

 For those who want to use the keyboard, here is the method :
 launch Thunar with : Win + é
 select the desired file,
 press MENU or SHIFT + F10,
 with Arrow-down, go down to : modify the image,
 press the ENTER key,
 go down with Arrow-Down until you hear, for example : convert to png
and check this line with Spacebar
 validate with ALT + V

Thunar : create - delete

Create a sub-folder in an existing folder :

1 - Launch Thunar by doing : WIN + é .
2 - With Down Arrow, go down to the existing folder and validate with Enter.
3 - Click on the word : File or do : ALT + F and validate with Enter.
4 - With Down Arrow, go down to the line : creation of a folder.
5 - Validate with Enter.
6 - You are asked for the name of the new folder.
Enter the name of the new folder and validate with Enter.
That’s it, the sub-folder is created.

Delete a folder or a file :

1 - Launch Thunar by doing : WIN + é .
2 - With Down Arrow, go down to the folder or the file to delete.
3 - Hit the DELETE key on the keyboard.
4 - Then the deleted item is moved to the Trash.

5 - If you made a mistake, you can go to the Trash, right-click (or SHIFT + F10) on the item deleted by mistake, and choose : Restore

Thunar - rename a folder or a file

1- Press : WIN + é to launch Thunar.
2 - Go to the folder or file you want to rename. Do not validate !
3 - Right-click or SHIFT + F10 on this folder or on this file then a list of tasks is displayed.
4 - Go down with Down Arrow until you hear : Rename.
5 - Validate with Enter. A window opens.
Enter the new name.
6 - Tab to choose Cancel or Rename.
7 - The file is renamed, it is placed among the other files in alphabetical order.

CAUTION : avoid accented letters
Avoid spaces, replace them with a dash 6 or 8.
You can also rename a folder or a file by pressing the F2 key

Thunar - Trash

A - Empty the recycle garbage can.

1 - Launch Thunar with : WIN + é then do : ALT + L to reach the menu : Go.
2 - With Down Arrow go to : Trash. Validate with Enter.
3 - With SHIFT + F10, a list of tasks is displayed.
4 - With Down Arrow go to : Empty Trash. Validate with Enter.
5 - A warning is displayed. Scroll down until you hear : Cancel or Empty Trash.
6 - Validate with Enter.

B - Restore or delete an item from the Recycle Bin

1 - Launch Thunar with : WIN + é then do : ALT + L to reach the menu : Go.
2 - With Down Arrow go to : Trash. Validate with Enter.
3 - With Down Arrow go down on the name of a folder or a file. Do not validate !
4 - With SHIFT + F10, a list of tasks is displayed.
5 - With Down Arrow go down until you hear : Delete or Restore.
If you delete, it is definitive
If you restore, the document returns to its original place
6 - Validate with Enter.

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Article publié le : 31 octobre 2021
Article vu : 94 fois
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